We have been working on bunnies lately. My little girl loves animals and Easter later this month, we are working on an easy bunny crafts: printable bunny and a bunny paper plate craft.
I thought I would gather some bunny kid crafts for some spring and Easter fun. There are all different kinds to keep your kids crafting all spring. Most need just a few supplies, like paper, paint and scissors.
Pair with some bunny or Easter books for crafting and reading together. These rabbit crafts would be great for the letters B or R theme too.
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Bunny Kid Crafts
1. Balloon Bunny Craft for Kids
Make a cute balloon bunny toy craft. It makes a fun pretend pet for your little one to play with. You can make other animals too like a dog.
You only need a balloon, streamers, tape, and a marker for this fun and easy craft. Replace the streamers with any paper if not available.
2. Handprint Bunny Crafts
A cute handprint bunny craft made out of paper, a pom pom and some pipe cleaners.
3. Nibbling Carrot Bunny Card DIY Craft
Make a cute card colorful Easter card.
4. Bunny Painting
Paint a cute bunny picture fore Easter. You could change the eggs to carrots for anytime of the year.
5. Bunny Butt
Make this easy craft using a paper plate, paper, paint, and cotton balls.
6. Paper Plate Bunny
Make a cute bunny craft with a couple of paper plates, crayons, and a cotton ball. After the craft is done. your kids can play with the bunnies
7. Marshmallow Bunny
Enjoy marshmallows while you make this cute bunny kid craft.
8. Letter B Bunny Craft
This cute craft would be great for a letter B theme or for Easter.
9. Stamped Bunny
This bunny is stamped using a Brussels sprout but you could use a sponge or your finger too.
10. Bunny Headband Kid Craft
With a little paper you can make this cute headband, a great spring craft for kids.
11. Bunny Handprint Card
Use pompoms to make this cute bunny craft, great for Easter or the letter b.
12. Paper Bag Bunny Puppet Kid Craft
Turn a paper bag into a cute bunny puppet.
13. Pop-up Bunny Plate Craft
Make a cute pop-up bunny craft with a paper plate and paper.
14. Bobble Head Paper Bunny
Adorable baby bunnies made out of paper, a great spring or Easter craft for kids
15. Paper Plate Bunny Craft for Kids
Make this cute fuzzy bunny paper plate craft with just a few supplies like cotton balls
16. Bunny Dress-up
A cute foam bunny craft and is ready to go.
17. Foam Cup Bunny
Turn a foam cup into a cute bunny. You could make a chick and sheep to keep it company.
18. Rocking Paper Plate Bunny
Make a cute rocking bunny craft with a paper plate.
19. Paper Strip Bunny
Make a cute 3D paper bunny with colored paper.
20. Bunny Scratch Art

Make colorful scratch Easter craft with a bunny, chick, and egg.
21. Bunny Paper Puppet
All you need is a little paper for this puppet craft.
22. Paper Roll Bunny Craft
Reuse some of those paper rolls and turn them into cute bunnies with long whiskers, a great craft for Easter or spring.
Simple Paper Bunny Printable Craft

This is a free template you can print out and make a fun bunny. You can also draw circles and a few other shapes to make your own template.
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