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Easy Printable Letter A Activities and Crafts for Preschoolers

Looking for fun ways to teach the Letter A? Time for letters of the week for preschool classes, starting with printable Letter A activities & crafts.

I have gathered a list of different crafts for letter A and letter A activities from crafts, math, letter, recipes, and fine and gross motor skills.

Printable Letter A – Free PDF at Bottom of Post- Uppercase and Lowercase

The preschool room I worked in did 2 craft activities a day and one recipe a week. The kids loved to cook and eat what they made. There were always lots of books different books for each week’s theme.

We played games and did physical activities around the letters too. ABCs Yoga for Kids was always a favorite.

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More Letter Alphabet Resources and Letter Crafts

Letter A Crafts and Letter A Activities

Letter A Printable Activities - Crafts for Letter A - Preschool kid craft - alphabet math recipe #preschool #craftsforkids #kidscrafts

Animal of the Week for Letter A

A stuffed animal or bug is a great way to introduce the letter of the week.






Letter A Recipes and Snack Ideas


Apple Muffins

Apple Fruit Donut

Easy Caramel Apple

Chocolate Caramel Apple Slices

Monster Cookies

Easy Apple Monkey Bread

Apple Dumpling

Microwave Cinnamon Apples

Easy Apple Pie Bites

Apricot Oatmeal Bar

 Ants on a log

(celery sticks with peanut butter or cream cheese and raisins)

Animal Crackers


Angel Food Cake

Avocado and Chips

A Is for Ant



A is for Airplane

Ants on Apples

– Apple slices with peanut butter or cream cheese plus raisins

Apple Pie in a Cup

Crafts Made in the Shape of an A – Letter A Crafts

 Ant Letter Craft

A Is for Angel Letter Craft


A Is for Apple – lowercase a


A Is for Astronaut

A Is for Airplane

List of More A Letters

Letter A Activities - Preschool kid craft - #preschool

Apple – Letter A Printable Craft – Free Template

Free printable letter A craft template of an apple. Print out the template and make your own apple Letter A.

Letter A Activities - Preschool kid craft - #preschool

Acorn – Letter A Printable PDF Craft – Free Printable

Free printable letter A craft template of an acorn. This is an easy craft to make. Looking for the blank printable letter A template? It is at the bottom of the post.

Letter A Crafts

List of Apple Crafts Lots of fun apple crafts for the letter A and fall fun.

Apple Mosaic Craft for Kids

mosaic apple craft fall kid craft - autumn crafts for kids- #preschool #craftsforkids #kidscrafts

Make an easy and fun apple craft with a paper plate, glue, and construction paper.

Fingerprint Apple Tree Kid Craft – Fall Fun

Handprint Craft – the Letter A Crafts

A Is for Apple


A Is for Angel


A Is for Acorn


A Is for Airplane

Letter A Math Activities

Animal Cracker Counting

– Make a math mat with the numbers 1- 10 and count Letter A items apples, ants, almonds, or animal crackers.

Ant on a Log

Airplane Count

Airplane Math Game

Letter A Physical Activities – Fine and Gross Motor

ABCs Yoga for Kids

Act like your favorite animal

-Pretend you are different animal walk and make sounds like them.

Pretend to be an airplane

-With your arms out wide be an airplane soaring through the skies.

Ant Farm

Airplane Song

Ant Go Marching on

Airplane Cloud Jumping

Follow the Arrows

– Print out large arrows on cardstock and place them on the floor in different directions and make a path out the arrows. You might need to tape them to prevent slipping depending on your floor.

Laminate the arrows to keep for future use. Have the children follow the different paths. You could turn on music and make it fast and slow.

Paper Airplane

Fold a paper airplane. Practice throwing airplanes. Measure with a tape measure how far they go. You could use steps to measure also. Put one foot in front of the other and count.

Acorn Toss

– Mark a line on the ground. Put a basket to toss the acorns into. Count how many acorns made it into the basket.

Alligator Jump

– Make a large paper alligator. Use 4 or 5 pieces of 8.5 x 11 paper and color green. Cut a triangle for the tail. Tape on floor. Have children practice jumping over the alligator. If you have a large class, you could make several paper alligators.

Acorn scoop

– Use a large scoop tongs to pick up acorns out of one bucket or contain and put it another. You could paint the acorns different colors and sort them into colored bowls.

Draw an alligator

– You can make this a follow the directions activity. Give the children paper and pencil or whiteboards and markers. Draw on an easel. Give each step one at a time.

Draw an airplane

Draw an acorn

Letter A Alphabet Activities

Printable of Letter A Words

– Great for circle time to introduce words that start with A, such as alligator, ant, apple, anteater, alphabet, aardvark, animal, arrow, angel, and more. Let them try to come up with ideas.

Bring a Letter A Item

– Have the kids bring a letter A item to school (with parents approval of course) and share. If they can’t bring the item remind them they could bring a photo of the item instead.

Dot Sticker Pages

Upper/lowercase Sort

Playdoh Letter Mat

– Print out both uppercase and lowercase large on a piece of paper and form the letters with the play dough

Loose Parts Letter Tracing

– Print out large letters and use different items to cover the shape of the letters like flat marbles, beans, bottle caps, pompoms, pony beads, etc. (warning small parts)

More Creative Ways to Practice Letters

Road Letters

Acorn Alphabet Match

Acorn Alphabet Puzzle Match

Other Letter A Activities for Preschoolers

Apple Activities

Fun math, reading, science and engineering activities

More Apple Activities

Apple Science – Liquids

Volcano Apple Science

Apple Science – APPLE OOBLECK

Airplane in Clouds

– sensory activity

Letter A Book List for Preschoolers

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed book
by Jodie Shepherd

book review “This is a very cute story. I bought this book for my little students ages 2-5 and they love this version of Johnny Appleseed.”

Johnny Appleseed Letter A Book!


Letter a apples book
by Gail Gibbons

book review “Wonderful K-2 book about Apples. Perfect for the Fall. Beautiful illustrations help children discover changing seasons, plant growth and the story of Johnny Appleseed.

A recipe for pie and a lesson on pollination introduce youngsters to science. Written in a way children can understand without parents and teachers becoming bored. HIGHLY RECOMMEND”

Apples Book for the Letter A!

Fall Apples: Crisp and Juicy

Fall apples book for the letter A.
by Martha E.H. Rustad

book review “This is an excellent book for the young student to learn about apples and what they are used for.

There are many interesting apple facts interspersed through the pages of this tale of a family’s trip to the orchard. “

Fall Apple Book for the Lettter A!

Apples and Pumpkins

apples and pumpkins book for the letter a or apple theme.
by Anne Rockwell

book review “I bought this as a fall book for my 3 year old son. He loves this book and picks it most nights before bed. He related to it since we also went to a farm to pick our pumpkins this year.

It’s a cute simple book about fall and Halloween and I’m sure is one we will enjoy for quite a few more years.

Apple and Pumpkins Book!

Ten Red Apples

ten red apples book
by Pat Hutchins

book review “I used this book for an apple themed curriculum based speech-language unit for preschoolers. The story is set on a farm and the various common farm animals take an apple off the tree one by one counting from ten to zero.

The text follows a predictable rhythm and rhyme sequence that the children enjoyed ‘filling-in’ and chiming along. Each animal makes a different noise which was good for my kids developing language as well as speech articulation.

Each page also features the animal using a different word for ‘eating’ such as ‘munch, chomp, nibble’ etc. which was great for expanding vocabulary.

The farmer exclaims on each page; “Save some for me” which was a great lesson in sharing/thinking of others, and problem solving for social skills objectives.

Overall, this is a great fun story the children loved and can be used countless ways to expand language skills.”

Ten Red Apples!

The Apple Pie Tree

the apple pie tree book for the letter a
by Zoe Hall

book review “I’ve been teaching preschool for 25 yrs and read this book every year during the fall. I think it’s a great book because it shows the children the whole process of how an apple grows.

The story is simple yet engaging and the pictures are sweet! This time I bought it as a gift for a woman who teaches a “fall garden camp”. I think she’ll love it as much as I do!”

Apple Pie Book!

Ten Apples Up on Top

ten apples up on top book for letter A or apples activities
by Theo LeSieg

book review “Great book that I used to read to my kid before she started reading it herself. Learning to read and count in the same book? winning!”

Order Ten Apples on Top!

Apple Pie ABC

Apple pie ABC book
by Alison Murray

book review “Unlike other ABC books this one tells a story. It is quite unique and playful, and the best part is X is not xylophone.”

Order Apple Pie ABC!

Apples, Apples, Everywhere!

Apples apples everywhere book for the letter a or apples theme
by Robin Koontz

book review “LOVE this book. We checked out about ten apple books from the library and this is definitely a favorite. Not tooooo verbose, not too sparse – and gorgeous pictures!”

Order Apples Apples Everywhere!

How Do Apples Grow?

How Do Apples Grow ? book
by Betsy Maestro

book review “A beautifully illustrated lovely story with great recipes included. Been a favorite in our house for years.”

Order How Do Apples Grow Book!

Apple Farmer Annie

Apple Farmer Annie book

book review “A beautifully illustrated lovely story with great recipes included. Been a favorite in our house for years.”

Order Apple Farmer Annie!

Apples, Apples, Apples

Apples Apples Apples book for the letter A theme or apples theme.
by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace

book review “Read it with my Kindergartners to learn about apples. The right amount of knowledge for that age and easy enough to understand.”

Order Apples Apples Apples!

If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School

If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School Dont book
by Elise Parsley

book review”I read this to my 2nd grade classes. They thought the story line was hilarious, especially the part about the part with the gum. Several students asked for more Magnolia books!”

Order Alligator Book!

See You Later, Alligator

See You Later, Alligator book
by Sally Hopgood

book review “Nice version of the kiddie rhyme. Cute illustrations. Fun to read to toddlers and for beginning readers.”

Order See You Later Alligator!

There’s an Alligator under My Bed

There's an Alligator under my bed book
by Mercer Mayer

book review “Such a great book. I was obsessed with this book when I was kid. I remember the trail of candy going down the stairs leading the alligator to the garage.

So happy to have bought it again so I can share it with my little one. It’s wonderful to be able to share the stories you loved as a child with your own child!”

Are You an Ant?

Are You an Ant? book
by Judy Allen

book review “Adorable book! My 4 year old loves it, and I learned a lot of new things about ants too. Who knew they were so interesting?”

The Icky Sticky Anteater 

The Icky Sticky Anteater book
by Dawn Bentley

book review “My child has a disability, and we’ve read this book for years as a reminder that everyone is different in their own way and that it’s OK to not be just like everyone else.”

Violet the Pilot

by Steve Breen

book review “Amazing empowering book for the mechanically minded kids and for all kids! my almost 3 year old boy wants to read it again and again and says “I want to meet her”

The Noisy Airplane Ride

Noisy airplane ride book
by Mike Downs

book review “My grandson loves airplanes. This was a perfect book for him!”

Hey, Little Ant

Hey, little Ant Book
by Phillip M. Hoose and Hannah Hoose

book review “great book. I am a preschool teacher and the kids loved it”

Amazing Airplanes (Amazing Machines)

Amazing airplanes book
by Tony Mitton and Ant Parker

book review “Bought this book to help prepare my toddler for an upcoming long haul flight. The book is fun and adorable and gave my child a glimpse of what lie ahead.”

Mousetronaut: Based on a (Partially) True Story

Mousetronaut book
by Mark Kelly and C. F. Payne

book review “Great book with a great message – You are never too small, too young, etc to be helpful and have purpose!

I love that it was written by an astronaut and that he got the idea for his book when he observed the mice on his real space mission. Mouse’s name is Meteor – loved it! Great illustrations!

acts in the back teach kids how animals were used in space. I read this aloud to elementary students grades 1-5 . They all enjoyed it and had great “I wonder” questions about our space program!”

Kids Paper Airplane Book

Kids' Paper Air Plane book
Ken Blackburn & Jeff Lammers

book review “Bought this as a Christmas present for my nephew. He instantly fell in love and couldn’t wait to get started.”

Have fun with these letter A activities.

Printable Letter A – Uppercase PDF

Printable Letter A – Lowercase PDF

Other Preschool Activities

Letter A Printable Activities - Crafts for Letter A - Preschool kid craft - alphabet math recipe #preschool #craftsforkids #kidscrafts
Letter A Printable Activities - Crafts for Letter A - Preschool kid craft - alphabet math recipe #preschool #craftsforkids #kidscrafts

More Fall Kid Crafts

More Fun Kid Crafts

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