I love spring and look forward to every year. The flowering trees will start blooming soon. Around here we have ornamental pears, crab apples and a few cherry trees. This is a perfect time for spring tree crafts for preschoolers.
Looking for a blossoming tree craft? I have made several, fingerprint cherry tree craft, paper roll cherry tree, and handprint cherry tree craft.
Create your own cherry tree craft from this list of spring tree crafts. There is all kinds of crafts using, mostly paper and paint. There are crafts for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners and older kids.
Easy Spring Tree Craft for Preschoolers
1. Fingerprint Cherry Blossom Tree Craft
Make this fun painted cherry blossom spring craft with a little paint and a paper roll. You can either make fingerprints with the paint or use cotton swabs.
2. Q-tip Tree Craft for Kids
A cute tree, some paint and q-tips and you can make this spring tree painted craft for kids.
3. Cherry Blossom Tree Circle Craft
Construction paper is need for this cherry blossom tree and a little tissue paper and you will have a hanging spring tree craft in no time.
4. Bubble Wrap Tree Craft for kids
Save that bubble wrap and using it for a different painting tool to make this cherry tree.
5. Cherry Blossom Paper Roll Tree Craft
This spring tree craft is good to use to talk about recycling and reusing as well as seasons. Take a coffee filter and a toilet roll and make a cherry blossom tree.
6. 4 Season Tree Craft
Learn about the 4 season of trees with this tree craft.
7. Toddler Spring tree Craft
Looking for an easy toddler spring tree craft? This is it. Cut or draw a tree trunk and give them some glue and pink items and let them create.
8. Tissue Paper Tree Craft
Gather a few sticks and some tissue paper to make this cherry blossom bouquet.
9. Easy Handprint Toddler Cherry Tree Craft
An easy spring tree craft a toddler can do with a few supplies. Paint their hand to make the trunk. Then use pink paint on their fingers for the cherry blossoms.
10. Recycled Bottle Tree Craft
You can talk about recycling with a plastic bottle painting technique to make this flowering branch.
11. Pompom Spring Tree Craft
Pompoms and pipe cleaners make up this adorable 3D flowering spring tree.
12. Broccoli Print Tree Craft for Kids
Use a broccoli print to create this cherry blossom tree.
13. Popcorn Tree Craft
Eat a snack and create a spring tree. This would be a great craft for toddlers and preschoolers.
14. Pretty Spring Tree Craft
Make this spring tree using pretty colors of paper for the flowers. Rolling paper is a skill that will probably be hard for preschoolers. Instead, you could use dots of paint or torn pieces of paper.
More Fun Spring Tree Crafts for Kids
- 2D Tree Craft
- Packing Peanut Tree -Recycle
- 3D Tree Craft for Kids
- Yarn Wrapped Tree Craft
- Q-tip Spring Tree Craft
- Dr. Seuss Truffula Tree Craft
- 3D Blossom Spring Tree Craft
- Kandinsky Tree Craft
- Clothespin Cherry Blossom Tree
- Handprint Spring Tree Craft
- Cherry Bloom Branch Tree Craft
- Cherry Blossom Handprint Tree Craft for Kids
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